Generally, there are 2 types of diabetes. Type 2 is mostly caused by poor lifestyle choices although some people may be genetically predisposed to it. Meanwhile type 1 is autoimmune disease patients are basically born with. There is no cure for type 1 diabetes – people manage this illness for their entire lives. However, now scientists at the University of Queensland have identified a crucial protein that could prevent the autoimmune disease from taking hold.

Millions of people in the world live their entire lives with type 1 diabetes, which can cause deadly symptomes. Scientists think it can be prevented. Image credit: David-i98 via Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Unlike type 2 diabetes, type 1 diabetes occurs suddenly, often at an early age and is not linked to lifestyle factors. Small children are diagnosed with this disease and then the life-long treatment starts. Managing type 1 diabetes is a huge challenge and this disease does claim many lives. However, scientists believe that it might be possible to catch it even before the onset.
Type 1 diabetes is life changing at least and lethal at most. It is a chronic condition, characterised by the pancreas producing little or no insulin. Now scientists have developed a biological agent called sRAGE, which is able to boost white blood cell function which is damaged in individuals who develop type 1 diabetes. Initial lab testing revealed that sRAGE can correct faulty regulatory T-cells, which could prevent the immune system from attacking the body's own tissues causing diabetes. In its function, sRAGE might be similar to other treatments like regulatory T-cell infusions, but pre-clinical studies indicate this agent will be safer and less intrusive.
Scientists have many hopes linked to the effectiveness of sRAGE. This treatment could be used on people who are likely to develop type 1 diabetes and ones who already have it. Dr Sherman Leung, master researcher in this study, said: “We found boosting the regulatory T-cells using sRAGE in the pancreas, pancreatic lymph nodes and spleen prevented diabetes, and also resulted in better insulin expression and function. Our study suggests sRAGE could also be used to treat patients who have already developed Type 1 diabetes to help with better blood glucose control because it can stop the inflammatory response that causes the symptoms of the disease.”
Type 1 diabetes is a life-changing condition. People who live with this disease are at greater risk of premature death from disease complications including heart attacks. Scientists hope that findings from this study will be used to prevent type 1 diabetes in young people and treat existing patients. sRAGE can help improve blood glucose control because it can stop the inflammatory response that causes the symptoms of the disease.
Source: University of Queensland