One of the manifestations of aging skin is the formation of deep wrinkles. Many people want to get rid of them, because they feel that deep wrinkles make them look old.

Skin care.

Skin care. Image credit: chezbeate via Pixabay

However, currently available anti-aging skincare products are powerless against deep wrinkles. There is, therefore, a need for developing simple, effective, fast-working, and lasting for 8-10 hours methods of reducing deep wrinkles.  

This Challenge aims to identify novel ways to provide immediate and long-lasting reduction of deep wrinkles that would be compatible with consumers’ daily routines.

This reduction-to-Practice Challenge (RTP) requires written documentation, experimental proof-of-concept data, and sample delivery.


Deep wrinkles are one of the most visible signs of aging skin. Deep wrinkles bother many people; deep wrinkles make them look old. However, getting rid or ever reducing deep wrinkles isn’t easy: most anti-aging skincare products (e.g., makeup concealers) can hide fine lines, but they are powerless against deep wrinkles. Of course, there are professional procedures, such as Botox injections, but these treatments are invasive and expensive.

There is, therefore, a need for novel approaches to non-invasive reduction of deep wrinkles that would have a dramatic (exceeding the efficiency of currently available products), immediate (within 30 min of application), and lasting for 8-10 hours effect.

Submissions to this Challenge must be received by 11:59 PM (US Eastern Time) on January 16, 2023. 

Source: InnoCentive