February 5, 2020

Researchers to investigate method of growing new blood vessels

A new treatment for stimulating the growth of new blood vessels in the heart will be investigated by researchers at the University of Bristol thanks to the funding of over £100,000 from national charity Heart Research UK. A heart attack is caused by a blockage of one or more coronary […]
February 5, 2020

Ultrasound Can Selectively Kill Cancer Cells

A new technique could offer a targeted approach to fighting cancer: low-intensity pulses of ultrasound have been shown to selectively kill cancer cells while leaving normal cells unharmed. Ultrasound waves—sound waves with frequencies higher than humans can hear—have been used as a cancer treatment before, albeit in a broad-brush approach: […]
February 5, 2020

Studies suggest new path for reversing type-2 diabetes and liver fibrosis

In a pair of related studies, a team of Yale researchers has found a way to reverse type-2 diabetes and liver fibrosis in mice, and has shown that the underlying processes are conserved in humans. The studies appear in the edition of Cell Reports and Nature Communications. In the earlier […]
February 4, 2020

Flickering Light Mobilizes Brain Chemistry That May Fight Alzheimer’s

For over a century, Alzheimer’s disease has confounded all attempts to treat it. But in recent years, perplexing experiments using flickering light have shown promise. Now, researchers have tapped into how the flicker may work. They discovered in the lab that the exposure to light pulsing at 40 hertz – […]
February 4, 2020

Tumbleweeds or fibrils: Tau proteins need to choose

New simulations by Rice University scientists tell a tale of two taus and how they relate to neurological disease. Their work suggests tau proteins take either of two paths to form aggregates suspected of promoting, and perhaps causing, Alzheimer’s and Pick’s (aka frontotemporal dementia) diseases. Precisely why remains a mystery, but figuring it out offers the […]
February 3, 2020

Loss of Lung Function Correlates with Epigenetic Age Acceleration

Epigenetic clocks are a topic of considerable interest in the research community. They are perhaps the most promising of the present techniques for assessing biological age, the closest to becoming a useful biomarker of aging. Epigenetic clocks are weighted algorithmic combinations of the DNA methylation status of various sites on the genome, reflecting changes that […]
February 3, 2020

Assessing ‘Stickiness’ of Tumor Cells Could Improve Cancer Prognosis

A team of researchers led by the University of California San Diego has created a device that measures how “sticky” cancer cells are, which could improve prognostic evaluation of patient tumors. The device is built with a microfluidic chamber that sorts cells by their physical ability to adhere to their […]
February 3, 2020

Diving Deep: Insights into Skeletal Features of Fish

From fragile ice fish deep in the Antarctic Ocean to flying fish gliding above the Caribbean Sea, fish have evolved a fascinating variety of skeletal traits. These traits not only help them adapt to their environments, but they also provide genetic insights into rare human skeletal disorders. Fish are not […]
February 3, 2020

Novel insight into chromosome 21 and its effect on Down syndrome

Scientists have identified specific regions of chromosome 21 which cause problems in memory and decision-making in mice with Down’s syndrome. They say it is the first time the areas have been determined – and suggest the findings may provide new insight into the condition in humans. Most people have 46 […]
February 3, 2020

Get easily out of breath? It may be because you were small at birth, study finds

Babies born with low birth weights are more likely to have poor cardiorespiratory fitness later in life than their normal-weight peers. That is according to a study by researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden published in the journal JAHA. The findings underscore the importance of prevention strategies to reduce low […]
January 31, 2020

New View of the Brink of Cancer May Validate Preventive Mastectomy

Women who have prophylactic mastectomies to stay ahead of a BRCA2 mutation may have made a wise choice, according to findings of a study just published in Science Advances. I’m amazed at the bravery of these women who go the Angelina Jolie route. Inheriting a BRCA2 mutation brings a 50 to 80 percent lifetime risk of developing […]
January 31, 2020

Double trouble: A drug for alcoholism can also treat cancer by targeting macrophages

The deadly nature of cancer stems from its ability to spread and grow inside the host. Tumor associated macrophages (TAMs) are host macrophages recruited by the tumor, which promote tumor progression. A team of researchers from Tokyo University of Science and other institutes have discovered that the protein FROUNT may […]
January 31, 2020

McGill researchers lay foundation for next generation aortic grafts

A new study by researchers at McGill University has measured the dynamic physical properties of the human aorta, laying the foundation for the development of grafts capable of mimicking the native behavior of the human body’s largest artery. Marco Amabili, a Canada Research Chair professor in McGill’s Department of Mechanical […]
January 31, 2020

Protein research seeks to induce tumor regression

MYC is a family of three related proteins that are overexpressed in cancer and which contribute to an estimated 100,000 cancer deaths annually in the United States. Efforts to block MYC directly have failed. Fortunately, these proteins have an Achilles’ heel — a chromosome-binding cofactor called WDR5. Understanding how MYC […]
January 30, 2020

Brain networks come ‘online’ during adolescence to prepare teenagers for adult life

New brain networks come ‘online’ during adolescence, allowing teenagers to develop more complex adult social skills, but potentially putting them at increased risk of mental illness, according to new research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Adolescence is a time of major change in life, with […]
January 30, 2020

Stem Cells, CRISPR and Gene Sequencing Technology are Basis of New Brain Cancer Model

Using genetically engineered human pluripotent stem cells, University of California San Diego School of Medicine researchers created a new type of cancer model to study in vivo how glioblastoma, the most common and aggressive form of brain cancer, develops and changes over time. “We have developed stem cell models that are CRISPR-engineered […]
January 30, 2020

New Injection Technique May Boost Spinal Cord Injury Repair Efforts

Writing in the journal Stem Cells Translational Medicine, an international research team, led by physician-scientists at University of California San Diego School of Medicine, describe a new method for delivering neural precursor cells (NSCs) to spinal cord injuries in rats, reducing the risk of further injury and boosting the propagation of […]
January 30, 2020

Lab-Grown Cardiac Muscles Successfully Transplanted into a Human for the First Time in History

On Monday, 27 January 2020, researchers from Osaka University in Japan have announced the first-ever successful physician-initiated clinical trial whereby heart muscles grown using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) have been transplanted into a human patient. Induced pluripotent stem cells – derived from the blood cells of healthy adult donors […]
January 30, 2020

Hacking Menopause

AARP Innovation Labs is looking for the world's best developers who are passionate about finding ways to enhance the quality of life for women before, during, and after menopause. AARP iLabs seeks a science-based approach to wellness and assistive technology, including AI, electronics, software, industrial design, and psychology to enable prime […]
January 30, 2020

Discovery Could Help Slow Down Progression of Parkinson’s Disease

A collaboration between scientists at Rutgers University and Scripps Research led to the discovery of a small molecule that may slow down or stop the progression of Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s, which affects 1 million people in the United States and over 10 million worldwide according to the Parkinson’s Foundation, is a neurodegenerative […]
January 30, 2020

Cheap nanoparticles stimulate immune response to cancer in the lab

University of Wisconsin–Madison researchers have developed nanoparticles that, in the lab, can activate immune responses to cancer cells. If they are shown to work as well in the body as they do in the lab, the nanoparticles might provide an effective and more affordable way to fight cancer. They are […]
January 29, 2020

An egg a day not tied to risk of heart disease

The controversy about whether eggs are good or bad for your heart health may be solved, and about one a day is fine. A team of researchers from the Population Health Research Institute (PHRI) of McMaster University and Hamilton Health Sciences found the answer by analyzing data from three large, […]
January 29, 2020

Senolytic Treatment Fails to Reverse Uterine Fibrosis in Mice

Senolytic drugs that selectively destroy senescent cells in aged tissues have performed quite well in animal studies of fibrosis in heart, lung, and kidney. The therapy reverses fibrosis in those tissues to a larger degree, and with greater reliably, than is the case for any other readily available approaches. Unfortunately small molecule senolytics are all tissue specific to varying degrees […]
January 29, 2020

Researchers bid to slow down heart failure

A new research project funded by the British Heart Foundation (BHF) at the University of Manchester aims to find a way to slow down the progression of heart failure. Heart failure is a life-threatening condition that affects 920,000 people in the UK. For people with severe heart failure, everyday tasks […]
January 29, 2020

AI-analyzed blood test can predict the progression of neurodegenerative disease

Evaluating the effectiveness of therapies for neurodegenerative diseases is often difficult because each patient’s progression is different. A new study shows artificial intelligence (AI) analysis of blood samples can predict and explain disease progression, which could one day help doctors choose more appropriate and effective treatments for patients. Scientists at […]
January 29, 2020

Penn Nanoparticles are Less Toxic to T Cells Engineered for Cancer Immunotherapy

New cancer immunotherapies involve extracting a patient’s T cells and genetically engineering them so they will recognize and attack tumors. This technique is a true medical breakthrough, with an increasing number of leukemia and lymphoma patients experiencing complete remissions since CAR T therapy was FDA approved in 2017. This type […]
January 29, 2020

Scientists short-circuit maturity in insects, opening new paths to disease prevention

New research from UC Riverside shows scientists may soon be able to prevent disease-spreading mosquitoes from maturing. Using the same gene-altering techniques, they may also be able help boost reproduction in beneficial bumblebees. The research shows that, contrary to previous scientific belief, a hormone required for sexual maturity in insects […]