January 10, 2022

Now we Know why Spaceflight Affects Your Eyes

70% of astronauts who spend time on the International Space Station (ISS) experience swelling at the back of their eyes, causing blurriness and impaired eyesight both in space and when they return to Earth. Sometimes, it’s permanent. Understanding the way microgravity affects the eyes, and the human body as a […]
January 9, 2022

Delivering Catalase to Treat Sepsis

Sepsis is a state of runaway inflammation in response to infection, a condition that is more serious and more often fatal in older individuals. With age, the immune system becomes every more overactive and inflammatory, reacting to signals created by the damaged environment of the body. This background of chronic […]
January 8, 2022

The Well Studied Mutations that Extend Life in Mammals

Mutations affecting growth hormone metabolism and insulin metabolism, and that lead to extended life, are comparatively well studied in mammals. The longest lived mice are those in which growth hormone receptor is knocked out. Unfortunately, this, like many interventions related to growth, nutrient sensing, and the like, produces a much […]
January 7, 2022

Calorie Restriction Improves the Aging Brain Tissue Microenvironment

The practice of calorie restriction improves long-term health and slows near all aspects of aging assessed to date. In humans, the beneficial effects of calorie restriction on healthy people are larger than any enhancement technology is yet proven to supply; it remains to be seen as to how the first […]
January 6, 2022

The Aging Kidney Harms the Brain

A good deal of evidence points to declining kidney function as a cause of declining cognitive function in aging. There are strong correlations between loss of kidney function and risk of dementia, for example. Correlation isn't a smoking gun in matters of aging, however: it is possible for any one […]