October 29, 2021

A MicroRNA Signature of Cognitive Decline

An enormous amount of data can be derived from analysis of the cells and molecules found in a blood sample. Researchers will be kept busy for decades yet, ever more efficiently gathering and mining this data, in search of ways to assess the progression of aging and specific age-related diseases. […]
October 28, 2021

Calorie Restriction versus Cancer, Viewed in Terms of Growth Signaling

The practice of calorie restriction, eating fewer calories while still obtaining sufficient micronutrients, is well demonstrated to reduce cancer risk in animal models, and also appears to improve outcomes in the case of an established cancer. This is similarly the case for practices such as intermittent fasting or fasting mimicking […]
October 27, 2021

Is Iron Metabolism an Understudied Aspect of Aging?

Many of the interventions demonstrated to produce interesting effects on the pace or state of aging are challenging to learn from. This is the case because these interventions change so much of the operation of metabolism as to make it hard to pick apart what is most relevant to the […]
October 26, 2021

Optimal blood pressure helps our brains age slower

People with elevated blood pressure that falls within the normal recommended range are at risk of accelerated brain ageing, according to new research from The Australian National University (ANU). The research also found optimal blood pressure helps our brains stay at least six months younger than our actual age. The researchers are now calling for national health guidelines to be updated to reflect their important findings. The ANU study, published […]
October 25, 2021

Pulse Sharpness Correlates with Vascular Aging

Consumer devices that can measure useful age-related cardiovascular metrics such as pulse wave velocity and heart rate variability are not that great in comparison to the much more expensive lines of medical devices. The most important difference lies in whether measuring these parameters in the periphery (arm, wrist, finger) or […]