October 24, 2021

An Update on Revel Pharmaceuticals, Working on Glucosepane Cross Link Breakers

Revel Pharmaceuticals is the result of work funded in large part by the SENS Research Foundation, with the support of its many philanthropic donors. That part of the history of the underlying research isn't covered in today's short article on the company, so it seems worth mentioning here. Cross-links are […]
October 23, 2021

Reviewing Known Approaches to Targeting Senescent Cells to Treat Age-Related Disease

Researchers here discuss the distinguishing features of senescent cells and known ways to target those features in order to selectively destroy these cells. Senescent cells accumulate with age throughout the body, likely the consequence of an accelerated pace of creation and a slower pace of destruction by the immune system. […]
October 22, 2021

Immune system keeps the intestinal flora in balance

Trillions of benign bacteria live in the intestine. They are kept in a continuous balance by the immune system, which thereby makes them harmless to humans. Researchers in the Department for BioMedical Research (DBMR) at the University of Bern and Inselspital, Bern University Hospital, and German Cancer Research Center have […]
October 21, 2021

Age versus Frailty as a Predictor of Mortality

A number of companies and research groups are performing drug discovery by using effects on frailty in mice as a readout. To what degree is frailty an adequate measure of the harms done by aging? One way to answer that question is to assess mortality in a human study population […]