Related Science News

September 28, 2019

Scientists found a way to reactivate ‘tumour suppressor’ genes

You would get cancer all the time, if your body was not ready to react and suppress the starting disease. Immune system recognizes young cancer cells and kills them. Then there are tumour fighting genes, which stop cancer cells from dividing and spreading. Sadly, cancer is a sneaky disease, able […]
September 27, 2019

Healthy organelles, healthy cells

For a long time, the contents of cells were thought to be fairly unstructured and chaotic: a mixture of proteins, DNA and a multitude of small metabolic molecules. Although important cellular processes in plants and animals were known to take place in organelles (larger structures enclosed by a membrane, such […]
September 27, 2019

Our sleeping habits are influenced by gender, age and geographical location

We definitely need sleep. However, some people sleep more than others.That oftentimes depends on how busy and healthy people are. Now scientists from the University of Helsinki  quarter of a million nights of sleep to see what factors influence it the most. The age or participants in this study ranged […]
September 27, 2019

Study shines light on architecture of kidney disease

A study of 280,000 U.S. veterans including 56,000 African Americans has identified in greater detail than ever before the “genetic architecture” of kidney function and chronic kidney disease (CKD), according to researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and their colleagues. The report, published recently in the journal Nature Communications, is an important […]
September 27, 2019

Better methods needed for predicting risk of liver disease

While blood samples can reliably identify people with a low risk of developing severe liver disease, better methods are needed in primary care for identifying people in most need of care. These are some of the conclusions of a large registry-based study by researchers at Karolinska Institutet published in the […]
September 27, 2019

AI identifies genes linked to heart failure

The Queen Mary University of London team applied an artificial intelligence (AI) technique to analyse the heart MRI images of 17,000 healthy UK Biobank volunteers. They found that genetic factors accounted for 22-39 per cent of variation in the size and function of the heart’s left ventricle, the organ’s main […]
September 27, 2019

Teens sleep 43 more minutes per night after combo of two treatments, study finds

Teenagers got 43 more minutes of sleep a night after a four-week intervention that reset their body clocks and helped them go to bed earlier, a study from the Stanford University School of Medicine has shown. The treatment had two components: brief, early morning flashes of bright, broad-spectrum white light to reset […]
September 27, 2019

Nanoparticles used to transport anti-cancer agent to cells

Scientists from the University of Cambridge have developed a platform that uses nanoparticles known as metal-organic frameworks to deliver a promising anti-cancer agent to cells. Research led by Dr David Fairen-Jimenez, from the Cambridge Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, indicates metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) could present a viable platform for delivering […]
September 27, 2019

Scientists find potential diagnostic tool, treatment for Parkinson’s disease

In human cell cultures, countering a defect that appears to be nearly universal among patients with Parkinson’s disease prevents death in the cells whose loss causes the disease. Investigators at the Stanford University School of Medicine have pinpointed a molecular defect that seems almost universal among patients with Parkinson’s disease and those […]
September 27, 2019

Nearly 1 in 3 Patients with Lupus Use Prescription Opioids for Pain

Although there is little evidence that opioids effectively reduce pain from rheumatic diseases, a new study finds nearly one in three patients with lupus uses prescription opioids, often lasting longer than a year. Lupus, a chronic autoimmune disease, often leaves those affected with inflammation and pain throughout the body. “Rheumatic diseases, such […]
September 27, 2019

New genes identified in hearing loss, providing treatment hope

In the study, researchers from King’s  and UCL analysed the genetic data from over 250,000 participants of the UK Biobank aged 40-69 years to see which genes were associated with people who had reported having or not having hearing problems on a questionnaire. 44 genes were identified to be linked […]
September 27, 2019

Not just humans – ageing animals also suffer from weakened immune system

Immune system becomes weaker as you age – everyone knows that.That is why older people are more susceptible to various bacterial and viral infections. But is is the same with animals? Scientists from the University of Edinburgh conducted a long-term study with a Scottish sheep breed and found out that […]
September 27, 2019

Scientists found a new drug target for a novel Alzheimer's disease treatment

Over 30 million people worldwide are living with Alzheimer’s disease. It is a debilitating condition, which has no known cure. It is a primary cause of dementia and with ageing population it is expected that we are going to have more and more cases of Alzheimer’s in the coming decades. […]
September 27, 2019

Tracking Alzheimer's disease pathology in single neuronal cells

University of Warwick researchers have developed a superior method to describe the very earliest effects that Alzheimer’s Disease proteins have on the properties of brain cells. In the paper ‘Introduction of Tau oligomers into cortical neurons alters action potential dynamics and disrupts synaptic transmission and plasticity’ published in the journal […]
September 26, 2019

Discovery could improve MDS cancer treatment

Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), one of the most common blood cancers, has very few treatment options. Now, researchers at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) have discovered a new and promising drug target for this deadly condition. “At the moment, only a small portion of patients benefit from the standard therapy for […]
September 26, 2019

Adult fly intestine could help understand intestinal regeneration

Intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) are exposed to diverse types of environmental stresses such as bacteria and toxins, but the mechanisms by which epithelial cells sense stress are not well understood. New research by the universities of Bristol, Heidelberg and the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) have found that Nox-ROS-ASK1-MKK3-p38 signaling […]
September 26, 2019

Researchers developing new ‘DNA stitch’ to treat muscular dystrophy

A new therapeutic being tested by University of Alberta researchers is showing early promise as a more effective treatment that could help nearly half of patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). The treatment—a cocktail of DNA-like molecules—results in dramatic regrowth of a protein called dystrophin, which acts as a support […]
September 26, 2019

We Are All Mutants, More or Less

Everyone is a mutant but some are prone to diverge more than others, report scientists at University of Utah Health. At birth, children typically have 70 new genetic mutations compared to their parents (out of the 6 billion letters that make both parental copies of DNA sequence). A new study published […]
September 26, 2019

Scientists identify potential way to prevent type 1 diabetes

Researchers believe they have identified a way to prevent type 1 diabetes by restoring the immune system’s natural balance. The approach may also prove effective for battling other autoimmune diseases such as lupus and eczema, they hope. It could also have benefits for people who have already developed diabetes: The […]
September 26, 2019

Yale researchers identify rare inherited immune disease

When a 9-year-old girl with anemia, breathing problems, and recurrent infections sought help for her mysterious ailments, Yale researchers and their collaborators at the National Institutes of Health sequenced her genes to pinpoint a cause. What they discovered was not only a new disease but unexpected new roles for a […]
September 26, 2019

USC researchers discover how to reprogram cells, potentially unlocking new treatments

USC scientists have surmounted a big roadblock in regenerative medicine that has so far constrained the ability to use repurposed cells to treat diseases. The researchers figured out how to reprogram cells to switch their identity much more reliably than present capabilities allow. The technique uses enzymes to untangle reprogramming […]
September 26, 2019

Mammals’ enhanced capacity to see emerges early in development

The way we see the world around us is the result of a marriage of two neural pathways — one shared by all vertebrates and one that evolved in mammals more recently. It has been a mystery to scientists how these two networks emerge in development to help us form […]
September 26, 2019

Cellular aging is linked to structural changes in the brain

Telomeres are the protective caps of our chromosomes and play a central role in the ageing process. Shorter telomeres are associated with chronic diseases and high stress levels can contribute to their shortening. A new study now shows that if telomeres change in their length, that change is also reflected […]
September 26, 2019

New, improved human genome reference in the works

A completely new, comprehensive human genome reference will be created in a National Institutes of Health-funded, multi-institutional initiative. The Human Pangenome Project will be based on the complete genome sequences of 350 individuals from a variety of the world’s populations. The international Human Genome Project in 2000 produced the first working draft […]
September 25, 2019

Yale researchers use immune system to attack glioblastoma

The Yale laboratory of Sidi Chen, assistant professor of genetics in the Systems Biology Institute and Yale Cancer Center, has developed advanced gene-editing and screening technology to find new targets for cancer immunotherapy. In a new study published in Nature Biotechnology, Chen and colleagues report that using T cells containing […]
September 25, 2019

NIH funds centers for advancing the reference sequence of the human genome

New grants totaling approximately $29.5 million will enable scientists to generate and maintain the most comprehensive reference sequence of the human genome. The awards, made over five years pending the availability of funds, are managed by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), part of the National Institutes of Health. […]