Project “M”, mice lifespan prolongation with the use of cellular, subcellular and biopharmaceutical approach.
Aging is a complex process involving all vital mechanisms of the body into the enigmatic chain of action. We develop technologies to overcome aging process and to return cells back to their young state. If cells go younger the body will do so also. Our approach is based on molecular cell division mechanism restoration to avoid mutation impact into the protein machinery, to prevent errors in DNA, what shifts us to change our biological functions and get degenerative diseases. We are also investigating the field of proteomics for candidate proteins to influence degeneration of the body functions during aging process via impact to the cells and organs. Transplantation of stem cells from young to old animals is an old field of our research and we are moving forward with this topic to prolong their lives more than 30-40% with using only this approach. Parabiosis experiments and many more are performed in our facilities to beat unbeatable beast,- aging.
Scientific publications:
- Engrafting fetal liver cells into multiple tissues of healthy adult mice without the use of immunosuppressants.
Darinskas A, Gasparaviciute R, Malisauskas M, Wilhelm K, Kozhevnikov JA, Liutkevicius E, Pilinkiene A, Morozova-Roche LA. Cell Mol Biol Lett. 2007 Sep;12(3):422-34. doi: 10.2478/s11658-007-0013-2. Epub 2007 May 10.